Employee benefits: we ask why...
...should employers accept the accelerating costs of employee health insurance?
...can't smaller businesses gain access to the same solutions as their larger counterparts?
...do employees have to pay exorbitant healthcare bills?
...does it all have to be so complicated?
TAC is an independently owned group benefits practice with one goal: to simplify employee benefits and help employers control escalating costs.
The TAC Difference
Benefit plans that are customized for your industry, your company and your employees.
A dedicatedteam
We bring you the strength of an entire benefits department with deep experience and drive.
We take the risk of penalties and the administrative burden out of complying with federal and state laws.
Denied claims? Excessive bills? You and your employees have a voice- TAC Benefits Group.
Protecting your
No problems here. We uncover potential issues and proactively guide you to avoid difficulties.
Powerfulindustry insights
We guide you on options: self-funding, risk captives, gap insurance, pharmacy carve outs and many more.
TAC insights
Wellness Programs Can Benefit Employers and Employees
Understanding the headlines: the state of healthcare compliance in 2023
Healthcare costs increasing 6.5% — four ideas to cope
We Are Hiring
Myths and Facts of Self-funding Health Insurance
Uncovering Medical Billing Secrets with Claims Audits
Fill out the form below to get our winning employee benefit strategies for staffing brochure!

540 Pennsylvania Ave Suite 230 Fort Washington, PA 19034PHONE:
Sales: 215-693-5831 Service: 215-693-5836